Friday, February 12, 2010

Finalizing Content Review Meetings, holding followups, and answering questions campus-wide

Quick update for everyone, I have met with almost everybody on campus (I have about 4 more meetings to hold) and some of you I have met twice.  The support and excitement around the website is tangible.

Thank you for all of your work to date and in advance for the work that will be done in the next few months to get new content created and migrate existing content.

Finalizing Design Phase
We have also finished Round 2 of feedback on the designs for the new site, which will determine what the site will look like.  We have one more round of feedback before the designs will be finalized.  As mentioned in previous posts, you can access the designs via the Datatel site (Datatel Shared Docs)

So, What About the Portal?
The past few months I focused on meeting with everyone involved in lying the groundwork for creation of content -on the ground level- for the new external website.  In many of my review meetings with program directors, faculty, and administrators, we have held some substantial discussions about the portal, and its relationship to the external website.  In many cases I have directed folks to follow up with the appropriate portal representative to make their requirements for portal content known.

Portal Focus Groups Being Held
Various portal focus groups are currently being held for students, faculty and administrators in the next couple of weeks.  I encourage you to attend these, and you should be hearing from a portal representative for your area soon regarding schedules for the focus groups.  The input gathered in these meetings will drive what we will be offering inside the portal to the campus.  If you cannot make a portal focus group, please voice content needs to both your portal representative and me.